One Man’s Story: Part Two

Achievements and education are two important aspects of a person’s life that can greatly influence your success and happiness. Education is the foundation of knowledge, skills, and abilities that a person acquires through formal and informal learning experiences. Achievements, on the other hand, are the accomplishments or successes that a person attains in their personal or professional life.

In my opinion, both education and achievements are important for personal growth and fulfillment, as well as for professional advancement. Education provides you with the tools and knowledge you need to pursue your passions and realize your goals, while achievements serve as a measure of your success and a source of motivation to continue working hard.

Educational success might include earning a degree, attending workshops or training sessions, or even learning a new language or skill. Achievements might include winning an award, publishing a book, or reaching a personal goal, such as running a marathon or climbing a mountain.

Ultimately, both education and achievements contribute to a person’s sense of self-worth and can help you lead a fulfilling life. By continuing to learn and grow and celebrating your successes, you can build the confidence and resilience that you need to overcome challenges and pursue your dreams.

According to Mike, he is yet to discover why and how education and achievements can contribute to someone’s sense of self-worth. He still doesn’t know or understand everything even though he is now a grown-up, decent, and well-educated. He finds it difficult to trust in himself because he thinks he does not have the confidence, resilience, and sense of self-worth that he needs to overcome challenges and pursue his dreams. The question is why Mike?

One response to “HOW DO YOU FEEL SELF-WORTH?”

  1. […] He is not sure what to do next, his plans always fail both for him, his family, and society. In Part Two, we read that Mike is struggling to discover why and how education and achievements can contribute […]


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